How does weather follow patterns?

Welcome Future Meteorologist!

Dear Future Meteorologist:

Your mission is to learn about weather and how weather follows patterns. Throughout your exploration you will discover:

-patterns of weather.
-how people measure and predict weather.
-ways people stay safe during storms.

Your first task is to view the calendar link located on the right. Here you will find your assignments, the requirements for completing them, and when they are due. Please follow the directions as you work though this unit.

Good luck and have fun!
Mrs. Moberg

Objectives (Standards):

TLW use simple strategies to determine meaning and increase vocabulary for reading, including the use of prefixes, rootwords, multiple meanings, antonymns, synonyms, and word relationships.

TLW make predictions and inferences based on observations, (KSES 1:1, 2:1, 4:2, 4:3).

TLW understand explicit and implicit ideas and information in third-grade texts.

TLW describe the parts of weather, (KSES 4:2, 4:3).

TLW indentify ways of measuring and predicting weather, (KSES 4:2).

TLW identify and evaluate ways people affect weather through their daily activities, (KSES 4:2, 4:3).

TLW describe ways weather depicts natural patterns of change, (KSES 4:2, 4:3).

TLW compare types of severe weather, (KSES 4:2).

TLW evaluate methods people use to protect themselves from the effects of severe weather, (KSES 4:2).

TLW use charts and graphs to understand patterns of change.

TLW interpret and explain orally and in writing displays of data.

TLW use weather instruments and other resources to record and predict weather, (KSES 1:1, 2:1, 4:2, 4:3).

TLW explore the connection between science, technology, society, and career opportunities, (KSES 5:2).