Sea Camp Research Project
Sea Turtles

Hawksbill Sea Turtle
Description: Hawksbill Sea Turtle
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Sea Turtles
By: Katie Adcock

Sea Turtles are very interesting creatures. The scientific name of the sea turtle is Chelonioidea. They are found in all of the oceans of the world except the Arctic Ocean. Most are found in the warm oceans of the world. They are also the only species of turtles that live in the open ocean. Some sea turtles are found only in certain oceans, such as the Flatback turtle.
Sea turtles hatch all through the year, but mostly in summer. Sea turtles make between four to seven nests per nesting season. They dig the holes with their hind flippers. Then, they lay seventy to one hundred nine eggs (depending on the species) before they cover up the holes and return to the ocean. There is usually a period of time of ten to fifteen days between the laying of each group of eggs.
Sea turtles eat a variety of food, such as:
• small fish, squid
• plankton, sea grass
• krill, seaweed
• jellyfish, and many other things
Sea turtles can be carnivorous (eats meat), herbivorous (eats plants), or omnivorous (eats meat and plants). Their jaw structure tells what which one they are. As some sea turtles age, they can change their eating habits.
Sea turtles are some of the largest reptiles. They have bone-like shells and scales. They are also cold-blooded, lay their eggs in nests on land, and breathe air. Sea turtles spend most of their lives in the sea. They swim through the water with flipper-like forelimbs and streamlined shells. They can stay underwater for several hours, but eventually they must come to the surface to breathe. Sea turtles can see very well underwater but can not see very well on land. Sea turtles are sensitive to touch on its flippers and shell. Scientists do not know much about sea turtles’ sense of taste.
There are seven types of sea turtles (Leatherback, Hawksbill, Green, Kemp’s Ridley, Olive Ridley, Loggerhead, Flatback). The Leatherback Sea turtle measures 6 to 7 ft. in length and 3 to 5 ft. in width, which makes it the largest species of sea turtles.
Sea turtles used to be hunted in large amounts for their meat and shells. Today, there are many accidental deaths of sea turtles by nets, hooks, etc. Another threat is the trading of sea turtles' eggs on the black market.
Sea turtles are very important to our ecosystems. Sea turtles are one of only a few sea creatures that eat vegetation called sea grass. This vegetation must be kept short in order to stay healthy. Healthy beds of sea grass are necessary for breeding areas for some species of fish.
The Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle is the most endangered. In 1947, 92,000 Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle nests were counted. Since then, surveys taken between 1978 and 1988 counted only about 800 nests per year.
“Sea turtles have been around for millions and millions of years, and it’s kind of sad to think that something is happening to them now.” ~ Mary Nelson
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