Who were the Harappans? HM
ANSWER: The Harappans were the first civilization in India about 3,000 B.C. And lasted until 1,500 B.C. They had large cities for their time, most cities had about 35,000 people. They were very smart people , they made strong houses made out of brick and most houses had a flat roof. They were smart enough to make an indoor restroom with a sewage system that led through pipes out of the city with waisted water.1.Raja:a tribe led by a prince. 2. cast: is a social group that someone is born into and cannot change 3.Sanskrit: a writing language in India, now the songs,stories , poems and prayers.
Describe Harappan houses and cities?NG
ANSWER:Harappen houses were well planned out, and most houses had flat roofs. Peoples houses were made out of brick that had been burned. They also had large cities for their time, they were pretty advanced people. Most cities had about 35,000 people in it . They were very smart people. 1.Harappa: was indias first civilization and also a city in India. 2. monsoon: in south Asia, a strong wind blows one way or direction in winter and blows the opposite way in summer 3.Civilization: complex society with cities, organized with government,art,religion,class divisions and a a writing system.4.Fortress: built on a brick platform to keep guard of the residents. ____________________________________________________________________
Describe Harappan society and their collapse.RS
ANSWER: Most Harrapans were farmers they grew rice, wheat, barley,peas,and cotton. City dwellers made copper and bronz tools, clay pottery ,and cotton clothing. It is likely that Harappans traded with Mesopotamians. They rarely had weapons weapons. The Harapan civilization collapsed about 1500 B.C. Many historians believe that a lot of earthquake caused it.1.Mohenjo-Daro: it is a civilization
2.Aryans:a group of people that had a region.
3.Brahmans: they were the preists.