Who were the Harappans? KD
The Harappan people were very civilized. Most of them were farmers. They lasted from about 3000 B.C. to 1500 B.C.! The Harappan people didn't leave written records, so we don't know much about their society or government. The Harappans mostly grew rice,wheat, barley, peas, and some cotton. We believe that the Harappans began to trade amongst the Mesopotamia people around about 2300 B.C.! We lastly believe that the Harappan people were not only prosperous but very peaceful and calm. And that was who the Harappan were back then.
Farmer: a person cultivates land or crops or raises animals or fish
Civilization: the culture characteristic of a particular time or place
Harappa: a major ancient city in India
Record: evidence of an important event or place
Describe Harappan society and their collapse. MP
Harappan society was very developed for its time. We don't know much for sure about their government though because they left behind no written records. We can tell from the ruins the royal place and temple were both enclosed in a fortress, this creates an image that religion and politics were closely related. We assume that most Hrappans were farmers and grew rice, wheat, barley, peas, and cotton. There were also city dwellers that made copper and bronze tools, clay pottery, and cotton cloth, as well as jewelry from gold, shells, and ivory. In the ruins, people have also found small toys that were made by the Harappans. Even though the Harapans had a good society going, their civilization collapsed about 1500 B.C. People think that several earthquakes and floods damaged the cities. After that the Indus River changed course and killed many people and ones who lived had to flee the area.
Religion: any specific system of belief and worship often involving a code of ethics and a philosophy.
Ivory: the hard, white substance, a form of dentin, that makes up the tusks of elephants, walruses, etc.
Civilization: social organization of a high order, marked by the development and use of written language and by advances in the arts and sciences, government, etc.
Ruin: the remains of a fallen building, city, etc. or of something destroyed, devastated, etc.
Describe Harappan houses and cities TE
Harrapa and Mohenjo-Daro were two large cities the cities had at least 35,000 citizens, a fortress was built to guard the people. A wall surrounded each neighborhood, and narrow lanes separated each house. Most of the houses had flat roofs and were made out of mud bricks that were heated in an oven. Wells supplied, they even had indoor bathrooms. They also had garbage chutes that led to a bin in the street.
Fortress:a large fortified place
Guard:to keep safe from danger