Zhou Dynasty

Zhou Wen Wang
Description: Zhou Wen Wang
Image copyright: http://orbat.com/site/history/volume4/442/zhou%20dynasty/zhou%20dynasty_1.html

Zhou overthrew Shang dynasty around 1027 B.C.

Ruled for around 800 years

Adopted much of Shang culture to form their own dynasty

Zhou brought new ideas to Chinese civilization

Late in the rule of Zhou, traditional Chinese values collapsed

Mandate of Heaven- divine approval of Zhou leaders
Used to validate their overthrow of the Shang rulers
Floods and riots were signs that spirits were unhappy with the king’s rule, so the Mandate of Heaven would be transferred to another royal family

Dynastic Cycle- each ruler’s rise, decline and replacement of dynasty

Feudalism- noble is in charge of a plot of land that belongs to the dynasty, in return they have to protect the people that live on the land, and owe military service to the king

Zhou built roads and canals

Local lords lived in walled towns which started to grow and become more powerful
Grew into different territories and became less dependent on the king

Started fighting with each other to gain wealth and power

Introduced coin money, used iron to make weapons and tools,
This page was edited by Maddie, Meghan, Esther, Caitlin, Kristi (Teacher: Ms. Vigen) using Web Poster Wizard.