Chinese Culture
a poster on chinese culture

Description: Family
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There were many aspects to Chinese culture that made it very interesting. Family was very important to the Chinese culture. The eldest man in the family was in charge of managing them as was respected greatly. Families were very loyal and were the central part of their culture. The Chinese family was closely linked top their religion. Spirits of their family members could either help or harm the family. The supreme god Shang-Di was consulted by priests through the use of oracle balls. In the Chinese method of writing a character stood not for a sound, but for an idea. A person could be able to read something but not be able to speak it because there was no sound for the word. This allowed many parts of china to share the same written language while maintaining their own spoken dialect. There were some issues however because there were over 10,000 different caricatures and you had to know at least a thousand to be barely literate.
The Chinese craftsman like bronze and used it to make many beautiful objects. The Chinese were also the first to weave silk out of bugs secretions and used it to make many beautiful rugs to wear, (also know as clothing).
This page was edited by Mike, J-Rock, Alex, Nikoli (Teacher: Ms. Vigen) using Web Poster Wizard.