Mount Saint Helens
The famous volcano

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What is this famous volcano?

Clue: This volcano erupted on May 18, 1980. It was one of the largest volcanic explosions in North American history. Did you guess it?

A. It’s Mount Saint Helens, when it exploded, the top of it’s rock facing fell. It took 57 lives, wiped out elk, deer, bear, and coyote populations in the area, and destroyed miles of vegetation. A second eruption happened a week later on May 25, and again on April 11 1981, this left the volcano’s top horse shoe shaped.

How it works.

Where there is subduction when one plate is less dense than another, it sinks under and intense pressure and gas builds up breaking through to the surface of the crust with an explosion, and it builds up from each explosion getting larger each time Mount Saint Helens is a composite volcano the lava here comes out slowly, it is thick.


Pearson Education Mt. St. Helens 2007 12/18/07
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