The Early Settlers ( The Interesting Version )
By: Hope, Amanda, Lauren J., and Watson

The Early Settlers
Description: The Early Settlers
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The Early Settlers came to Texas because they wanted to find new lives. They had a long and hard travels many died on the way. They came to Texas by: covered wagons, horses, ships, to get here. It was Stephen F. Austin’s idea to come to Texas. He advertised it and wrote letters he wanted to find hard working people, to make the colony a success, and indeed it was. Today he is known as the “Father of Texas”. The First 297 families to come to Texas were known as the “Old 300”. Majority of the people were from Louisiana, Arkansas, and Tennessee. They were also ranchers and farmers. The early settlers faced problem like: The different soil, and the Karankawa Indians. Families in the colony chose their land, and built their homes by using the materials available: mud, stone, and timber. Most of the colonist lived in two room log cabins with a breeze way in the middle. Many of the neighbors helped out every time someone new moved in town they were greeted with a smile and a worm welcome. That’s how they would live.
This page was edited by Hope, Lauren J, Amanda, and Watson (Teacher: Payne) using Web Poster Wizard.