Comanche Indians
By: Hope, Amanda, Lauren, Watson

Comanche Women and Children
Description: Comanche Women and Children
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Comanche Indians

The Comanche Indian tribe dominated the Southern Plains of Texas. They lived in the 1800’s and 1900’s. When Spanish settlers came and brought horses Comanche’s were the first to master the skill of horseback riding. Their main food sources were: wild roots, fruits, nuts, buffalo, and trades from other tribes such as, Wichita and Caddo. They were very fast learners so they used their resources and made clothes out of buckskin or buffalo hide. Tanned buffalo hide was stretched across 16 to 18 poles in a teepee shape to provide portable shelter. The Comanche were very political. They always had a leader who was a good trader and diplomat. Life as a Comanche Indian wasn’t very interesting. Living as a man you would probably go on a hunt with some other tribe members. Living as a woman you would probably teach children or watch over them. As a woman you could also help make clothes and goods.
When settlers came to Texas the Comanches saw small campsites of where settlers were camping out. They also saw the settlers hunting and using guns. The Comanche’s never used guns, instead they used bow and arrow and spears. They were greatly feared by the settlers because their unexpected raids and attacks. The Comanches were pretty much always at war with another tribe so, in that time the colonists befriended whatever tribe the Comanches were at war with because of their fear.
Now that you know a little bit about Comanche Indians you can use these links to find more about this Indian tribe.
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