Conserving Water
Saving Fish

Dead Fish Due to the Drought
Description: Dead Fish Due to the Drought
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Dear Dr. Greenthumb,

My name is Jeffrey Hines. I live in Atlanta, Georgia and I’m currently in second grade.
In my class we’ve been learning about how plants survive seasonal conflicts. Last summer Governor Perdue told people in Georgia to save water because a drought had entered Georgia. I love your online magazine so much I wanted to write a letter to teach all your readers about conserving water, so that we can reverse the drought. Here are some ways everyone can help conserve water. Turn off your facets when you brush your teeth at home. Don’t run the water fountain when you are talking to your friend. Save the rain water in a milk jug. Set a timer for 19 minutes in the shower. Rinse off the fruits and vegetables and collect the water in a bowl. Put large loads of things that need to be washed in the machine.
The drought has caused many conflicts. The drought was caused by a lack of rainfall, and extreme temperatures. These seasonal conflicts caused many to suffer. When the lake levels dropped fish died. Sense there has not been a lot of rainfall, vegetation has died also. One service that has suffered has been the car wash. People have lost their jobs, and some businesses have closed. I want to help collect water because it is important that we all do our part to conserve water. Every cause has an effect. I have told you much about the drought. There is one thing you must remember, wherever you live, you might experience a drought.

Jeffery Hines
This page was edited by Jeffrey Hines (Teacher: Beth Kelley) using Web Poster Wizard.