We Can All Do Our Part
Save Our Resources

Dead Vegetation
Description: Dead Vegetation
Image copyright: www.google.com

March 5, 2008

Dear Dr. Green Thumb,

My name is Regan Nesbit. I live in Atlanta, Georgia and I’m currently in the 2nd grade. In my class we’ve been learning about how plants survive seasonal conflicts. This past summer our Governor had to tell all people of Georgia to save on water use because of a drought. I love your online magazine and I wanted to post a letter to tell other gardeners ways they can save water, and give their plants all their needs for healthy survival.
Gardeners need to be the ones to teach others because we know plants best! Just by posting my letter on your website I am saving trees and so are your readers. Since I choose to use your made. When water is being saved and used wisely we are conserving it, and plants receive all the water they need.
There are several reasons a drought is caused. It is when its hot summer days when it doesn’t rain a lot. When people take LONG showers. When you wash your cars. Even if you water your plants even if it’s the best for them. But when a drought is caused to let plants die because the water is limited. We need plants to live, so monitor the amount of water you use.


This page was edited by Regan Nesbit (Teacher: Beth Kelley) using Web Poster Wizard.