Nuclear Fission
What occurs during Nuclear Fission

An Atom
Description: An Atom
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Nuclear Fissions is a type of nuclear energy, the word fission means to split apart and the word nuclear pertains to atoms. An atom is a nucleus of protons and neutrons surrounded by electrons that revolve around the nucleus. Nuclear Fissions occur when a nuclear atom splits. Once the atom is split, a tremendous amount of energy that includes both light and heat is released. When one atom splits the particles released by the splitting atom strikes another atom creating chain reactions. At a nuclear power plant, the chain reactions are controlled so they won’t occur too rapidly. If the energy is slowly released from the chain reaction, it can generate electricity. However if the energy is released all at once, an atomic explosion may occur. The explosion is very harmful to humans and nature. Although you’re not Albert Einstein hopefully you learned the concept of Nuclear Fissions.
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