Febrile seizures are full body convulsions caused by high fevers. The effected age is 6 months-5 years old. Some of the most common ages are12-18 months. This type of seizures usually last between 10-15 minutes. Fifteen minutes is a rare time amount for febrile seizures to last.
When you have a febrile seizure your temperature is 102 degrees or higher. One affect that it could have is after you have a febrile seizure is you are sleepy. There really isn’t a way to stop a febrile seizure. When you are with a person who is having a febrile seizure
-make sure they are in a safe place.
-watch the persons breathing.
-watch the persons face color.
Things NOT to do are:
-hold or restrain child.
-put anything in his/her mouth.
-give medicine to lower temperature.
-put in water.
The Nemours Foundation . Kids Health.1995. May 6,2008. http://www.kidshealth.org/parent/general/sick/febrile.html