It's creeps, it crawls, will it come to you?

Cartoon Flu Germs
Description: Cartoon Flu Germs
Image copyright: The Newmours Foundation. Kids Health. 1995. May 8th
- The flu is called the influenza
- The flu causes fever, chills, coughs, body aches, headaches, earaches, or sinus problems
- Goes away in one to two weeks on average
- The flu is most likely to infect certain people like babies and kids under age five, people older than fifty, and adults and kids who have health problems such as diabetes or asthma
- If you are at risk for the flu, it is best to get a flu shot
- Flu shots will either make you have absolutely no flu or only give you mild flu symptoms if you do get the flu
- Flu vaccines come in needles and nasal mists
- Get a new vaccination every year
- The flu spreads by talking, sneezing, coughing, and laughing
- If you get the flu, rest, drink lots of liquids, take medicine, and talk to your mom and dad
The Newmours Foundation. Kids Health. 1995. May 8th
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