things you should know about Alabama
THe Heart Of Dixie

black bear
Description: black bear
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State Capital: Montgomery
Date it became a state: Dec. 14, 1819
Governor: Bob Riley
Land Area: 52,423 sq. miles
States surrounding it: Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee
State Nickname: Heart of Dixie
State Motto: We dare defend our right
State Mammal: Black bear
State Bird: yellowhammer
State Tree: longleaf pine
History (5 important events):
1. Developments created by Indian tribes. (1600)

2. Fort Toulouse established. (1717)

3. Alabama territory created. (1819)

4. Montgomery capital selected. (1846)

5. Hurricane Katrina. (2005)
Geography (Describe the land, rivers, mountains, lakes, etc):
- Tennessee river
- Tensaw river
- Cumberland plateau
- Piedmont upland
- Appalachian Mts.
- Cheaha Mts.

Attractions/Places to Visit:
1. Gulf of Mexico

2. Museum of natural history

3. Old Alabama town

Other Interesting Facts:

- Cheaha Mts. Is the highest point in Alabama
- Home to Hank Aaron, Joe Louis, Willie Mays, and Jesse Owens.
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