The Path to Become the President

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Announces- The candidate tells the public that he or she is going to run for president. They must file papers with the federal election commission.

Primaries and caucuses- Party members vote for the candidate they want to support in the up coming general election.

National Conventions- Political parties hold a big meeting. They choose one nominee. The nominee will pick a vice president to run with them.

Campaigning- Party nominees travel around and talk to the citizens of America to get them to vote for that person.

Election Day- We, the people,vote for a president. Every 4 years we vote in November.

The Electoral Collage- They vote in December for the president. The electors vote for who ever got the most votes in their state. Who ever gets 270 out of 538 votes wins.( 100 senators, 435 representatives, and 3 people from Washington D.C.

The Inauguration- The inauguration is the final step! A big ceremony is held where the new president takes the oath. It is the first official day of office. ( Jan 20th )

Important Words

General Election- people go to voting booths( in the town they are registered in ) and vote on the first Tuesday in November.

Political Parties-A group of people with the same ideas(views) about the government.

Electors-2 people from each state(senators), plus as many as in the house of representatives. They vote for the candidate that has the most votes from that state.
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