-Why is your group marginalized?
Foster kids are marginalized because of the stigma that comes with being in foster care. Misinformation and ignorance leads people into thinking the worst out of foster care and the kids involved. The news doesn’t help either. The news reports all the horrible stories that have happened to kids that have been in foster care but seem to ignore all the successful stories that have happened. Foster kids are viewed as abandoned kids that always have a bad outcome so society does not give those kids a chance. They're not put on the same level as kids in what society thinks is a normal home which includes birth parents.
Foster children are being stereotyped by that people say that almost all foster children are trouble makers and that most of them are just going to end up like their biological parents. People who stereotype foster children usually stereotype the children who's parents were/are alcoholic's, drug users, abusing, teenage parent/parents, or they are in jail. People who stereotype foster children right away instead, should think and give foster children a chance. Maybe they do come from a bad background but they could be different and learn from their parents mistakes and/or even their own mistakes.
Foster Children are being marginalized everyday, yes they might of come from a bad backgroud but foster children are just like other children who aren't in foster care. Foster children may have a few problems every now and again but everyone does. When people marginalize foster children they don't think about what the children havegone through, maybe they came from a family who were alcoholics, drug users, abusing, teenage parent, or their parents died. They didn't choose who there parents were going to be or how they were going to act, just about all of them didn't choose to be in foster care but they had to. So people need to stop marginlazing foster children and thik about ways on how they can help them out. they don't nessary need to adopt a child, but maybe donate some money if you can or somethng to help them.