Challenges Of Gangs

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There are two main stereotypes that are related to gangs and gang members. There aren’t very many girls gangs is the first one. But in fact 10% to 40% of gang members turn out to be female. Female gangs are almost always over looked as suspects in crimes. Female gangs are just as dangerous as male gangs. Female gangs are rising every year and now are starting to get looked at by the police. In 1984-93 murders were up 78% robbery was at 89.4% and aggravated assault was up to a high of 108.9% all do to girl gangs. Another stereotype about gangs is that once you join a gang you’re lost in it forever. When you’re in a gang you can’t loose hope. There are still ways of getting out. One way of getting out of a gang is called a walk out. That means that you’re going to leave the gang with no problems. The only way of getting the walk out is to be one of the loyal gang members and have a child. The other way is to be jumped out meaning you get beat up by other gang members.
3. There aren't very many girl gangs.
7. Once you are in a gang, you are "lost forever."
2. Gang members come from very poor, broken families.
1. Gangs are a Black and Hispanic Problem.

Challenges and Barriers of Gangs

Many members that are in gangs have challenges and barriers they have to go through life. Even though society see them as low-life , street trash, and etc. the truth is they are trying to live a regular life even though they do some bad things that society don’t like, its there way of getting through life as they struggle to survive in the world.
Challenges/barriers they have:
• Drive by shooting
• Getting food
• Money
• Surviving on the street
• Family
• School
• Acceptance
• Love
• Safety
• There are many more to name
These challenges really affect the teens that are in gangs like family; they can feel neglected from their biological family or don’t even have one at all. The feeling of being left out and not wanted, give them no other choice to join in gangs, so to have the feeling of being in a family even though society looks down on gangs. Being in a gang is like being in a family, they always have your back and watch out for you and when you need them they are there for you. Even though many gang members don’t have good education, it’s because teachers don’t give a crap about them and let them failed, even though they want to try, but as they see teachers don’t care about them they don’t try at all. Another reason is because they have to survive on the streets, they have other things on their mind to worry about, like making money to buy food, clothes, find a place to stay, etc. they don’t have the luxury things most people have. Gang members lived everyday by the limps of life and death, trying to survive. Not knowing how much longer they are going to be in this world, and not knowing what would happen. Fearing their lives as car drives by and not knowing it can be a drive-by shooting that can end it any time of the day. These are the challenges they have through out life, and society won’t and don’t see that, but only think of them as trash and nobodies.

Ways To Prevent Gang Marginalization

There are many ways to prevent marginalization against gangs. Society needs to know more knowledge about gangs and not just based on what they do and what is shown on tv and news. Thre are many ways to stop marginalization to gangs are like giving them a chance to society and understand their problems and their stories. By listening to them and know and understand why they do the stuff they do. People don’t have to be like scare of them when they just standing there, for exapmle; when your walking down the streets and you see some of them dnt be like trying to hurry about and give them dirty look as you walk by because they will take that offences from the looks you give them . looks give many messages like saying street trash and low-lifes with and that they don’t deserve to live. All that can be said without open your mouth just by the way you give people looks.
This page was edited by Rich D. Jeremy D. Nannly (Teacher: Nicole Graham) using Web Poster Wizard.