Physical Education Gets You Moving!!
Inside or Outside Exercise Is What You Need!

Ms. Popken golfing in Hawaii
Description: Ms. Popken golfing in Hawaii
Image copyright: My Photos

Many of our students today spend most of their spare time indoors, playing on the computer or playing their video games. The introduction of WiiFit has brought the excitement of technology to exercise indoors, but it's still not enough.

I stress the importance of putting down the controller and getting at least five minutes of activity in between each game. I believe that any amount of exercise is better than none at all.

We have focused all year on learning simple exercises to do while indoors. Students have learned how to perform exercises that focus on building strength, endurance and flexibility.

Here is a simple list of exercises you can perform at home with your child in five minutes or less:

* Start by jogging in place to get heart rate elevated *
1. 10 jumping jacks
2. 10 toe touches
3. 10 windmills (moving arms in circular motion in same direction)
4. 10 modified or regular push-ups (modified=on knees)
5. 10 crunches (just lifting the shoulder blades off the floor)
6. Holding the plank pose for a slow count of 10 (holding body off ground on forearms and toes)
7. V stretch for a count of 10 (seated with legs in V formation and arms extended towards toes)
8. 5 deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth

Be sure to eat healthy snacks, get plenty of sleep and take good care of your body! It's the only one you've got!!
This page was edited by Ms. Popken (Teacher: Popken) using Web Poster Wizard.