Early Life
*Juan Ponce de Least the Mgainon was born in Tierra de campos Palencia,Spain in 1460.
*As a boy he was hired to deliver messages in royal court.
*Later he served in many milltary campaigns against the Muslims until 1492 when they were driven out of Spain.
*He was the first to explore Florida ,searching for the Fountain of Youth.
*After sailing with Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the New World in 1493,Ponce de Leon remained in Santo Domingo, an island south of Florida.
In Search of the Fountain of Youth
*Ponce de Leon was given the right to find Bimini.
*Ponce de Leon organized an expedition an expedition to find the fountain in March of 1513.
*He didn't realize he landed in North America ,thought he landed on an island and named it Florida.
*On his second search,they met a large group of Native Americans shooting arrows at them,an arrow hitPonce de Leon and killed him |