The Five People You Meet In Heaven
by Mitch Albom

Book Cover
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The Five People You Meet in Heaven is a story that revolves around an old war veteran, Eddie. The setting is a variety of places, both on earth and in heaven. A major place in the story though is Ruby Pier, the small amusement park where Eddie worked as a maintenance man, a job he inherited from his father. Much of the story also takes place in heaven too. This is where, if you didn’t guess from the title, Eddie meets five people. Some of the people he had a close relationship to while he was on earth, others he didn’t even realize he affected, however each person had a very important connection to Eddie while he was on earth. The five people all have something important to teach Eddie. The lessons are either explanations of why certain things happened during Eddie’s life on earth, of they are life lessons that apply to life in general.
One of the major things taught to Eddie and to readers is that everything on earth happens for a reason and every reason is interconnected. It’s because of these themes that I would recommend this book for someone who feels like they don’t impact people or is struggling with self-worth. This could also be a comforting book for someone who has lost a loved one. It’s an inspirational story filled with messages not easily forgotten.
I would give this book four stars. For me, it was one of those stories that stays in your heart and becomes part of you. It was really easy to connect with Eddie and see your own struggles in Eddie’s and realize that in the end every struggle has a reason. Even though it’s premised on complete fiction and one man’s idea of heaven I felt that the messages were rimmed with a comforting truth. The Five People You Meet in Heaven was a wonderful read.
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