Underground Railroad
(approximately 1780- 1862)
It was not a railroad nor did it run underground. It was instead a vast network of people who helped slaves escape to Canada and free states. 1 The Underground Railroad was not run by any single organization 2 . Usually the next stop the slaves have has a light on somewhere in the house to signal it’s clear to come in. 3 Famous conductors include Harriet Tubman who assisted over 300 slaves to freedom and Levi Coffin, a Quaker who assisted more than 3,000 slaves. 4 The journey from house to house could be 10 to 20 miles away. People made dolls to comfort children as they fled through the night. The slaves slipped away from the cabins at night so the dogs don’t find them. 5 One story from the Underground Railroad is that there’s a secret hand-dug tunnel that connected the Milton house to the Wesconsin inn. 6 Even white people helped slaves to escape and helped hid them. Little boys/girls even helped slaves to safety. 7 The Underground Railroad saved thousands of slave’s lives, and led them to freedom.
- www.factsabouttheundergroundrailroad.com
- My Social Studies book
- www.picturesoftheundergroundrailroad.com |