Sally Tompkins
By Ally M.

Sally Tompkins
Description: Sally Tompkins
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Tompkins, Sally
Poplar Grove, Illinois

Tompkins was probably the most important nurse in the Confederacy. 1. Tompkins was born into a rich family. She never married and at age 28 she decided to help the Confederacy. 2. She asked Judge John Robertson to open his house for a hospital for the Confederacy wounded. 3. In her 4 years of managing the hospital, she treated more than twelve hundred patients and less than 20 patients died. 4. Sally got awarded a military commission as captain, the only woman to receive such an honor. 5. On July 26, 1916, at about 8:45 am, Captain Sally Tompkins died. Sally was 83 when she died. Sally is now remembered for being a nurse in the Confederacy.
This page was edited by Ally M. (Teacher: Mrs. Albritton) using Web Poster Wizard.