John Wilkes Booth
By A.J. H

John Wilkes Booth
Description: John Wilkes Booth
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Booth, John Wilkes
May 10, 1838,April 26, 1865
Bel Air, Maryland At the age of 27 years old Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln at Fords Theater in Washington D.C. 1.His parents Junius Brutus Booth and Mary Ann Booth were famous actors. 2.John was the ninth out of ten children in his family. 3.He became a famous actor and toured America just like his parents and brothers and sisters did. 4.Booths religion was Protestant Episcopal. 5.Abraham Lincoln was a big fan of John’s acting.
When John was performing he saw Lincoln in a Private Box. 6.Since John was a Confederate he was against Lincoln.7. Booth’s original plan was to have friends help him kidnap Andrew Johnson the Vice President, General Ulysses S. Grant the general of the Union army, William H. Seward the Secretary of State, and Abraham Lincoln the President of the United States. After they seceded they would kill them if they didn’t get what they wanted 8.After his performance he went and got his 50 caliber handgun and went up to Lincoln’s box and shot him in the back of the head. 9.After he murdered him he jumped out of the box and landed on the stage. 10.The impact was so hard he broke his right leg. 11.But the stage was three feet tall and he jumped off that and broke his right ankle! 12.After he killed Lincoln he rode off on horseback and was found in a barn. 13.Later when they found him they decided to burn the barn. 14.So they did and Booth came running out and the Union soldiers shot him in the back. 15.When he was dead they shot seven more bullets in his back and killed everyone in his family.

Resources: Social Studies Book and Encyclopedia.
This page was edited by A. J. H (Teacher: Mrs. Albritton) using Web Poster Wizard.