Funkadelic Flatworms

Pink and black flatworm
Description: Pink and black flatworm
Image copyright: http://borglumbio.com/uploads/Pseudobiceros_gloriosus3.jpg

Number of Species: over 25,000

1. eye spots
2. consumers
3. bilateral symmetry
4. clearly defined head
5. sensory lobes

1. Planarians are predators
2. Flukes and tapeworms are predators

1. Lack of an anus
2. Tapeworms can be 25 feet long
3. Parasitic flatworms have complicated life cycles
4. Marine flatworms are the largest
5. Planarians are the only non-parasitic flatworms
6. Flukes are hermaphroditic
7. Flatworms can perform self-fertilization
8. The stomach is like a sack, food goes into the sack through the mouth and leaves the mouth
9. Reproduce both sexually and asexually
10. Glide over surfaces to look for food
Thysanozoon Higropapilosam has a black velvety body, covered with short, yellow tipped popille white edge. It is about eight centimeters long, they are common along the internal reef.
This page was edited by Jonah L. and Alec B. (Teacher: Lorraine O'Shea) using Web Poster Wizard.