The Air Collectors: The Lungs
Creator of Fresh Air

This a diagram of a pair of lungs, featuring all the main parts.
Description: This a diagram of a pair of lungs, featuring all the main parts.
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All about Me! The Lungs!
I am a pair of spongy, inflatible organs that are part of the Respiratory System. Breathing is the main function of the Respiratory System, the system that I am a part of. My main functions are to deliver oxygen to the blood cells of the body. When you exhale, I send carbom dioxide wastes out, and inhaling brings new air for the me to circulate. I am located inside the chest, and inside the protective rib cage to be more specific. Regular exercise keeps me in healthy shape, as well as many muscles and other parts of the body. The windpipe ( Scientific Word: Trachea) is a tubelike structure that leads passages of air to me. The Bronchi are the tubes that deliver air inside to the lungs. The Alveoli are small branch-like structures and are where blood cells receive oxyggen in order to give up their carbon dioxide, which is exhaled out of the body. My co-worker is the Diaphram, which contracts to make me expand. Yet again, the Trachea allows air to enter me and carbon dioxide to exit me.

Health Problems
There are several health problems that occur to me, two of which are Emphysema and Asthma. Emphysema damages my tissues and sends chemicles into me, which can cause breathing problems to my owner. Because the oxygen cannot be fully produced and carbon dioxide is not exhaled properly, this also causes severe breathing issues. Another disease that can be produced in the Respiratory System and also inside me is Asthma. Asthma is a disease that causes breathing troubles from allergies, certain activaties such as exercise, (if the person works too hard), pollution in the air, and several other reasons that may occur. When a Trachea or any other source of air to me swells and produces a large amount of mucus, the occuring action is called an Asthma attack. The victum must then tale an inhaler, whish stops swelling and lets air pass in and carbon dioxide exit.
This page was edited by Hannah B (Teacher: Julie Connard) using Web Poster Wizard.