The City where men become Gods. Few cities have been considered worthy of being inhabited by the gods, more accustomed to the heavenly spheres of the human domain. Teotihuacan is one of them, a city that achieved a spiritual state among its structures and wide avenues, which mark the directions of the universe and whose splendor emanates from plazas and pyramids of gigantic proportions penetrating the stucco images of nature and primitive figures of a spiritual world almost forgotten.
Since I was a little boy, I loved being at archeological places, but my favorite is Teotihuacan 'cause I spent most of my vacations there among those structures, sceneries and weather. I remember walking on the top of "Piramide del Sol", it came to my head a lot of questions without an answer, the most important was How did they make these structures?
Who knows, it's still a mystery, the only thing I know is I'd do anything to protect it, like in my last vacation when I went with my dad at 8:00 a.m.
We were talking with "Teos" (security guards) when suddenly we saw a guy running at the "Piramide de la Luna", he looked suspicious so we went after him.
I didn't believe what I saw, the guy dropped a can,a paint one...then I realized something had gone wrong
Once the Teos got him, they interrogated him in a violent way, he said he regretted about painting graffiti in the pyramids but we didn't believe it, we went tothe Crime scene and saw the drawing, the punishment was to erase that thing off the wall.
Those were my last vacations, the only thing left for me to say is, man, I would do anything to protect my cultural heritage, anything; it’s a wonderful place full of culture and knowledge stories and the most important, full with our essence.