the history of chinese sweatshops

This is an image of  a sweatshop in china that still occurs today
Description: This is an image of a sweatshop in china that still occurs today
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Besides the jews in the holocuast, what is another culture thats been treated badly throughtout history?

Besides the jews in the holocaust, the chinese culture has also faced many difficulties throughtout history. The chinese culture have been abused, mistreated, and used. Mainly due to the large population of proverty in the country, many chinese people are forced to work in the horrible conidtions of sweatshops because its their only option. sweatshops are crowded, dangerous and low-paying. This relates to the jew\'s because they too didnt have any other choice but to follow the commands of those in higher control. Compared to america, the chinese working conditions are harsh. We have rights and equality, while chinas people cries are never heard. Like the holocuast, no one knows when abuse will ever end .
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