Which Flavor Gum Lasts Longer

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The purpose of this lab is to to find which flavor of gum lasts longer. I chewed gum two different types of gum three times and was trying to find out which flavvor lasts longer. If Stride 2.0 is a newer type of gum then the flavor should last longer. By chewing this gum and timing the amount of time it takes to lose its flavor we will be able to find out which gum has a longer lasting flavor

1. Buy a pack of Stride 2.0 and 5 React gum
2.Chew a piece of each gum three times each
3. Time the amount of time it takes each piece of gum to lose its flavor
4. Add the data for each type of gum and divide it to find the average time it takes to lose its flavor

Stride 2.0 1st Piece 2nd Piece 3rd Piece
45 min. 53 min. 44 min.
5React 1st Piece 2nd Piece 3rd Piece
55 min. 38 min. 60 min.

Claim Evidence
I claim that 5 react gum\'s 5 reacts average time was 55.5
flavor lasted longer minutes

I claim Stride 2.0\'s flavor Stride 2.0\'s average time was 47.3
didn\'t last as long as minutes
5 Reacts flavor

I claim that 5 React gums There is cinnamon mint and
flavor is longer lasting due to a anise flavor(licorise)

Evidence-Based Explanation

The data does not support the hypothesis. I claim that 5 React gum\'s flavor is longer lasting than Stride 2.0\'s. I know this is true because the average time it took for 5 React gum\'s flavor to disappear was longer than the time it took for Stride 2.0 to lose its flavor. The reason this happens is because the chemicals in 5 React gum are different from the chemicals in Stride 2.0 which allows the flavor to last longer.


I could of done more trials to get a more exact answer. I didn\'t care much for this expierement. i found it difficult to make a website and organize all of this data.
This page was edited by Nicholas Matthew Gelosh (Teacher: Evans) using Web Poster Wizard.