Does pulse rate double the same amount for different age groups

Average Pulse Rates
Description: Average Pulse Rates
Image copyright: create a

Name: Songul Mamedova

Title: Does pulse rates double the same amount for different age groups?

The purpose of this lab is find out if pulse rates double the same amount for different aged people . The regular pulse rate for me was 39. My 12 year old sisters was 64, and my 6 year old sister was 55. After running for a minute, we counted our pulse rates for a min. Then we ran for 2 minutes and counted for 1 min. again. I subtracted the 2 min. with the 1 min. If my 12 year old sister, my 6 year old sister and i were to run for a min. count our pulse rates, and then run for 2 minutes, then our pulse rates would increase the same amount. By my both sisters and I running for a min. counting our pulse rates, and then running for 2 minutes we will be able to find out if our pulse rates double the same amount since we arent the same ages.

1. Have my sisters count their pulse rate before they run (may not be useful).
2. Have them run for a minute.
3. Count the pulse rates for 1 minute and record it.
4. Then, run for 2 minutes and count pulse rate for 1 minute and record.
5. Make a table for the results.
6. After making the table, subtract the pulse rates from the 1 minute run with 2 minute run for each of us.
7. See if all 3 of our pulse rates went up the same amount.
8. Find the average


Before running
1 min.
2 min.
difference between 2 min and 1 min.





A claim is a sentence that interprets the meaning of the data. It should be relevant to the question/hypothesis and explain your interpretation/analysis of the data. Re-write the data taken during the experiment from the data table or graph that supports the claim here. Data (numbers) should always be given for every claim.

My question is inconclusive because there are many factors that could have affected the results. However, my 12 year old sister and I got about the same after I subtracted the 1 minute run by the 2 minute run.
One of the factors that could have affected this might be how fast we were running. If I had more people with different ages run, I could have had more accurate results

Evidence-Based Explanation:
The data does not support the hypothesis. I claim that pulse rates does not double the same amount. I know this to be true because me and my 12 year old sisters pulse rates doubled about the same amount, but my 6 year old sisters was much lower than ours . The reason this happens is because I could have ran faster than my little sister.

For next time I could make sure that we all run at the same speed. Also, if I had more people do this, I could see exactly if my hypothesis was true. I didn’t expect it to be harder than i though because when i was counting my little sisters pulse rate, sometimes i lost track because she wuld start laughing or she would move alot.
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