Jessica & Mikaela\'s Report
Michigan Report

State Flag of Michigan
Description: State Flag of Michigan
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The state we are researching is Michigan. The capital of Michigan is Lansing. The population of Michigan is 9,883,640. The date Michigan became a state was January 26, 1837. The governor of Michigan is Rick Snyder.

The state flag of Michigan is on the blue shield the sun rises over a lake and peninsula, a man with a raised hand and holding a gun represents peace and the ability to defend his rights. The elk and the moose are symbols of Michigan, while the eagle represents the U.S. Flag adopted in 1911. The state flower of Michigan is the apple blossom. The state tree of Michigan is the white pine. The song of Michigan is \'Michigan, My Michigan\'. The state bird of Michigan is the robin.

The major sports teams that are located in Michigan are: The Detroit Furies (AFL) of Michigan, Detroit Lions (NFL) of Michigan, Detroit Pistons (NBA) of Michigan, Detroit Red Wings (NHL) of Michigan, Detroit Shock (WNBA) of Michigan, Detroit Tigers (MLB) of Michigan, and Grand Rapids Rampage (AFL) of Michigan. The major colleges in Michigan are Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Ferris State of Michigan, Grand Valley State of Michigan, Lake Superior State of Michigan, Michigan College, Michigan State College, Michigan Tech College, Northern Michigan, and Western Michigan. The popular places to visit in Michigan are the National Ski Hall of Fame, Pictured Rocks, National Lake-Shore, Windmill Islands Municipal Park, and Tahquamenon Falls. The state web site is

Michigan is known as the \'Wolverine State\'. Michigan\'s reptile is the painted turtle. Michigan is known for it\'s fascinating Great Lake: Lake Michigan. The first settlers that settled in Michigan were called, \'The Old Copper People\'.

The economy of Michigan are agriculture and industry. Michigan has the longest freshwater shoreline in the world. Michigan has more than 11,000 inland lakes. Michigan contains 116 lighthouses and navigational lights. Michigan has had 4 flags flown over it.
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