Mohawk Indians Created by Megan
Author: Janet Hubbard-Brown

Mohawk Indians
Description: Mohawk Indians
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Here are some things you will learn in the book. You will learn how they live. The Mohawks loved telling stories. They lived in the Eastern part of the USA about three thousand years ago. They hunted a lot. They loved playing games. They had a motto which was “one heart, one mind, one law”. Here are some more facts about the Mohawks.

1. They loved telling a story called Sky World.

2. They did a lot of trading.

3. Mohawk men mostly hunted elk, deer, moose, bear, beaver, partridge, and wild turkey.

4. They used bows and arrows to hunt.

5. Mohawks liked to play snow snake and a game now called lacrosse.

6. Their motto, “one heart, one mind, one law,” meant they would do things together.

7. They could not read land deeds.

8. They got cheated out of thousands of acres of land.

9. Missionaries spread deadly diseases among the Mohawks.

10. They built long houses.

11. Now most Mohawk Indians work in factories or businesses.
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