Missouri Report
Samantha & Emma\'s Report

Missouri State Seal
Description: Missouri State Seal
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The state we are researching is Missouri.The capital of Missouri is Jefferson City. The population of Missouri is 5,988,927. The date Missouri became a state was August 10,1821. The governor of Missouri is Jay Nixon.

The state flag of Missouri is centered on red, white, and blue, field is the Missouri state seal. It is encircled by a blue band with twenty-four stars representing the number of states in 1821. The stars in the inner circle have the same meaning. Two huge grizzly bears support the circular shield in the center which has three parts. The state flower is the Hawthorn. The state tree of Missouri is the Flowering Dogwood. The state song of Missouri is Missouri Waltz. The state bird of Missouri is the Bluebird.

Major sports teams that are located in Missouri are Kansas City Chiefs (NFL), Kansas City Royals (MLB), Kansas City Wisards (MLS), Saint Louis Aces (Tennis), Saint Louis Blues (NHL), Saint Louis Cardinals (MBL), and Saint Louis Rams (NFL). Major collages located in Missouri are Central Missouri State Mules, Missouri Tigers, and South West Missouri State Lears. Popular places to visit in Missouri are the Gateway Arch, Forest Park, Saint Louis Art Museam, the Saint Louis Zoo, the Saint Louis Science Center, and the Missouri Historical Socity are all located in Missouri. The state web site is http://www.state. mo.us.

The land of Missouri is 69,709 sqare miles (180,545 sqare km), ranking 19th. The musical instrument of Missouri is the fiddle. The animal of Missouri is the Missouri mule. The Osark Plateau makes up the largest part of the state Missouri. Missouri is well known for it\'s caves, there are more than 1,450 caves in Missouri.

Missouri\'s nickname is \"Show Me State\". Missouri\'s national forest is called Mark Twain. Missouri\'s motto is \"The wellfare of the people shall be the supreme law\". Missouri\'s agriculture is cattle, soybeans, hogs, dairy products, corn, poultry, and eggs. Missouri\'s lowest point is Saint Francis River is 230 feet, 30th.
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