Louisiana Report
Mykoal & Tate\'s Report.

Louisiana map
Description: Louisiana map
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The state we are researching is Louisiana.The capital of Louisiana is Baton Rouge.The population of Louisiana is 4,533,372.The date Louisiana became a state was 1812. The Governor of Louisiana is Bobby Jindal.

The State flag of Louisiana is The design consists of the pelican group from the state seal, in white and gold and a white ribbon bearing the State moto ,\'\'Union,justice,and confindence,\'\'on a feild of a solid blue Flag adopted 1912. The state flower of Louisiana is Magnolia. The State tree of Louisiana is Bald Cypress. The state song of Louisiana is Give me Louisiana. The state Bird of Louisiana is Brown pelican


Major sports teams that are located in Louisiana are New Orleans Saints (nfl), New Orleans Hornets(nba). Major colleges located in Louisiana are Louisiana at Monroe University,Louisiana State University,Northwestern University,Tulanegrane University.Popular places to visit in Louisiana are Mississippi River,Alexander State Forest,Grand Lake,White Lake,Sabine Lake,Gulf of Mexico. The state website is www.Louisiana.gov

The highest elevation Driskill Moutain 535 feet (163m).Record high tempature 114F at plain Dealing on Augest 10 1936.The United states purchased Louisiana from France (1803) .(1541) Hernande De Soto led a spanish expedition into the lower Mississippi River area.(1901) Oil was discovered near Jennings and White Castle.

Louisiana is the 18th State of the United States.Louisiana uses the judicial system.The location is 30.448 N,N1.126 W.the Agriculture:seafood,cotton,soybeans,cattle,sugarcane,poultry and eggs,dairy products. Industry:chemical proudcts,petroleum and coal products,food processing,transpoltation equipment,paper products,tourism.
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