School lunches

good looking food thats unheathly
Description: good looking food thats unheathly
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People believe that school lunches should be run by the gov\'t, but I believe that the schools should have the say so in what the students eat.

1. One of the reasons why I say that is because students should have a choice of what they want to eat and not something that the government reconmends. why should the schools have to worry about what the government wants them to serve and what the politics say. 2. Another reason is that we are america and we have the say so of what goes on with what goes on with the schools lunches. I understand that we must eat healthy and that the government wants the best for america, but this is a free country not a communist country.
I believe that if the individual wants to be unhealthy, then it is not the government responsibility to keep everone in shape because they are not personal trainers.
This page was edited by Shemuel Dent (Teacher: Carrie Caplan) using Web Poster Wizard.