Teen curfews: the government has gone too far!
Proposition: The government shouldn’t have curfews in place for teens.

The above image shows how teens can get into so much troble over cufew.
Description: The above image shows how teens can get into so much troble over cufew.
Image copyright: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__25y4UsCfqw/TQgGks1RL5I/AAAAAAAAAXU/ZG_6u2_CZtk/s1600/Teen%2BCurfew.w.jpg

Why shouldn\'t there be a curfew?
1. Teens are young adults and it shouldn’t be up to the government what time they have to be home.
2. It is the parent’s job to raise them and set the rules and decide on a curfew for their child not the government’s child.
3Teens are getting their rights taken away from them by the government.

You might say that some young adults need a curfew in place to keep them out of trouble, but what about what they think. They aren’t even old enough to vote or have a say in this matter and it’s a violation of rights. If something was happening to adults that they had no control over and had no say they would feel helpless. Our teens are the next generation and should have a say.

About the author: I am a high school student who is seventeen years old, my friends have dealt with the curfew laws. My parents have a curfew for me and it’s their job to have one as parents, not the government.
This page was edited by Heather Browne (Teacher: Carrie Caplan) using Web Poster Wizard.