The Underground Railroad
Facts about the underground railroad

Map of the Underground Railroad
Description: Map of the Underground Railroad
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1. Some enslaved African Americans tried to escape from their owners because slaves were treated badly and they didn\'t have any freedom. This was dangerous since they could be caught and beaten, or they might be sold to a plantation further south where they would be treated even more poorly.
2. After a slave escaped, they usually had to travel by foot. They traveled at night and slept at day so they wouldn\'t get caught. Runaway slaves looked at the North star or moss ( which always faced toward north ) to find their way.
3. Slave catchers and dogs were dangerous because they would be trying to catch runaway slaves and return them to their masters.
4. Slaves traveled at night, and kept hidden in hiding places. If they got caught, they went back to their masters and got whipped or beaten. Or they might be sent to an another plantation.
5. The Underground Railroad was a network of \"safe\" houses. The \"passengers\" were runaway slaves and \"conductors\" were people that help.
6. The Underground Railroad had to be secretive because if slave catchers found out, they would be able to catch runaway slaves more easily. People used secret signs and codes that kept them hidden.
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