Olivia and Georgia\'s Science Project 2013
By: Olivia K. and Georgia G.

Image copyright: http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/4564866/2/stock-illustration-4564866-milk-carton.jpg

1. Solar Oven
A renewable and save oven made from cardboard and aluminum.

2. Heat Sensor
Shows how heat makes things expand

3. Homemade Windmill
Generates energy from water using simple home materials

4. Turn Milk into Plastic
A way to make plastic using a renewable energy source (milk) instead of oil, which is a nonrenewable source.

Our Hypothesis
We will be turning milk into plastic. Our reason for this project is to find a way to make plastic using renewable resources. We hypothesize that the milk will turn into plastic in a slow manner. We also predict it will take around a day for the plastic to dry and become hard. The procedure for the experiment
This page was edited by Olivia K and Georgia G (Teacher: Mr. Wellman) using Web Poster Wizard.