Sir Issac Newton
Serena G. Paul L. Alexis G.

Sir Isaac Newton
Description: Sir Isaac Newton
Image copyright: My Own Photo

Sir Issac Newton born prematurly Christmas Day in 1642 in Woolsthorpe ,England.
He was only three when his mother remarried.
He lived with his grandmother until his mother came back because her second husband passed away and brought along her three children.
He went to Cambridge University in 1661, graduating in 1665.
He was elected President of the Royal Society in 1703,which he held until he died.
He never married and lived modestly.
Newton has been regarded for almost 300 years as the founding member of modern physical science.
Newton discovered measurable, mathematical patterns in the phenomenon of color.
He died on March 20, 1727
This page was edited by Serena G. Paul L. Alexis G. (Teacher: Ms. Stevenson) using Web Poster Wizard.