August Ferdinand Mobius
Brandon C & Alonso N.

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DATE OF BIRTH November 17,1790

DATE OF DEATH September 26,1868

PROFESSION: Astronomer, mathematician

EDUCATION:1809- Mobius studied at the University of Leipzig, where he switched from
law to Mathematics ,physics,and astronomy

WORK EXPERIENCE: !844- University of Leipzig gave Mobius Full Professership.

AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS:1837- Mobius published Lehrbuch der Statik in. 1858-Created the Bobius Strip.

ACTIVITIES AND INTERESTS: Mobius liked to write, he was interested in Mathematics, and Astronomy.

INTERESTING FACTS: Mobius\' father died when Mobius was three years old. His mother was a dance teacher. Mobius was home schooled until he was 13 years old. Showing interest in math Mobius went to a college in Schulpforta in 1803. In 1813 Mobius graduated College and became a student at the University of Leipzig. His family wanted him to study law and he did. The subject did not give him satisfaction so he decided to study Mathematics, Astronomy, and Physics.
This page was edited by Brandon C.& Alonso N. (Teacher: Ms. Stevenson) using Web Poster Wizard.