Blaise Pascal
Jorge D, Isaiah B, Bryan R

Image copyright: Google

Date of birth: June 19. 1623

Date of death: Aug,19,1662

Physicist,Philosopher, Inventor, Mathematician,Writer.

Home schooled by his father.

Work Experience:
Tax collector\'s assistance (his father)

Wrote books/papers for science and math (Essai at the Academie, Traite du triangle arithmetique).

Awards and Achievements:
Invented the Pascaline (mechanical calculator) in 1642 in inspiration of making his fathers job of collecting taxes easier.
He also Contributed greatly towards Pascal\'s Triangle although he was not the first one to study it his Treatise on the Arithmetical Triangle was known for being the first extensive study of it.

Activities and Intrests
Religion: Catholicism

Math: Pascal\'s Triangle, De l\'Esprit géométrique

Writing: Papers on Theology,Philosophy,Physics, and math

Interesting facts:
Pascal had a medal named after him for his achievements in chemistry that is awarded by the EURASC. This medal is awarded to individuals in recognition of outstanding and demonstrated personal contributions to science and technology.

Pascal\'s exploration of binomial coefficients influenced Sir Isaac newton leading him to uncover his \"general binomial theorem for fractional and negative powers.\"

Made a great contribution to Pascal\'s Triangle ( Treatise on the Arithmetical Triangle)
This page was edited by Jorge D, Isaiah B, Bryan R (Teacher: Ms. Stevenson) using Web Poster Wizard.