Artemis of the wildland, Mistress of Animals
Ron Harmon

Artemis of the wildland, Mistress of Animals, Goddess of Moon
Description: Artemis of the wildland, Mistress of Animals, Goddess of Moon
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Daughter of Zeus and Leto
Sister of Apollo
Sister of Hephaestus

Symbols are the moon and wild life

The New Artemis is a company that sells gear for the modern adventurer.
Artemis Pet Food

Artemis was the product of a fling between Zeus and Leto. She was the twin sister of Apollo. Due to her father being a player Artemis grew up to hate men thinking they are vile creatures. When Artemis grew up she left home to hunt and live in the wild with a group of women\'s liberation. The liberation also joined her in her vows of chastity. One day a man named Acteon was peeping on Artemis bathing and he was mauled to death. Then Orion was doing a similar thing and his death was dealt by a giant scorpion under Artemis\'s command. Artemis is said to have never died due to her being immortal but that she was just forgotten over time.
This page was edited by Ron Harmon (Teacher: Carol Zortman) using Web Poster Wizard.