poseidon god of the sea
by travis ruppert

Description: Poseidon
Image copyright: http://www.theoi.com/Gallery/Z2.1.html

Poseidon was the greek god of the sea, rivers, earthquakes, and horses. in roman culture poseidon was known as neptune. he was depicted as an older gentleman with a black beard and carrying a trident.his symbols are the trident the horse which poseidon created and the bull. poseidon is the father of percy jackson from the books and movies. mosiratey also uses the trient as their symbol.

poseidon was the son of cronos titan of time and ages and rhea. he was the brother of zeus god of the sky. poseidon fought alongside of his brothers and sisters to defeat the titans. zeus started the war when he released his brother and sisters from his fathers stomach. the olympians trapet the immortal titans for all eternity in prisons. all the titans were punished in harsh ways but they can not die so they live in pain.
This page was edited by travis ruppert (Teacher: Carol Zortman) using Web Poster Wizard.