Neptune: God of Freshwater and the Sea
Brandon Bittinger

Description: Neptune
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Neptune is the Roman god of the sea. He is recognized by the trident he carries as well as the ancient Greek and Roman symbol for seas God. Neptune has many relations to pop culture today such as his appearance in The Little Mermaid. Neptune also helped advertise the new Ford Ranger in Australia as well. Neptune’s father was Saturn and his mother was Rhea. Neptune also had a brother named Jupiter.

Neptune’s brother Jupiter assigned him to God of the Sea while he was assisting him with an expedition on obtaining supreme power. Eventually Neptune was forced to leave heaven after joining a conspiracy against his brother Jupiter. The Greeks had credited Neptune with creating the horse from Earth with a blow of his trident although the horse is evident to be a ship depending on the fable. Neptune is usually described as having dark or black hair holding his trident and wearing a sea-green colored garment. He is sometimes pictured on a broken ship to show that he has power over the seas.
This page was edited by Brandon Bittinger (Teacher: Carol Zortman) using Web Poster Wizard.