Venus Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty
Anisa Diaczun B2

Description: Venus
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The Roman Goddess Venus, was said to be born from sea foam. She is the daughter of Jupiter and Dione. She and her Greek Goddess counterpart Aphrodite is the Goddess of love and beauty. Venus is supposed to be the most beautiful Goddess there is. Venus is not only the Roman Goddess of love and beauty; she is the mother to Aeneas, a Trojan warrior! Venus has many signs and symbols, but two of the most common are the rose and the myrtle; a beautiful pink- ish plant. Venus pops up in lots of things in our time. For women (for the most part) it’s the Venus Razor, supposed to make us smooth and beautiful! Another way she pops up is a Venus water heater. They most likely named it after her because she born from the water. Venus was in a famous Myth called “Venus and Queen Helen” in this story Venus wanted to be chose as the most beautiful and lovely out of other beautiful goddesses. To persuade Paris that she was the most beautiful, she told him that he would give him the most amazing women in the land. Paris took Venus up on her offer and claimed her to be the most beautiful.
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