The thin sheets of mica.

Description: Mica
Image copyright: http://photos.tradeholding.com/attach/hash225/149729/mica_flakes.jpg

Mica is mined in the lacey mine,Ontario and Canada. The color of mica is a purple and whitish and even pink, tan, brown and black. The streak of mica is a black and white.

Mica’s luster is a pearly, translucent and transparent luster. Why does mica have a pearly luster and why other minerals have it too. It is because the luster to the inside of a mollusk shell or shirt button. Many mica’s have a pearly luster and some minerals with a pearly luster have iridescent hue. Some minerals may exhibit a pearly luster on cleaved crystal surfaces parallel and below the reflecting surface of a mineral.

Mica’s cleavage has a perfect basal cleavage. It cleaves into thin sheets. Mica’s hardness is a degree of 2.5-3.0. Mica is used and added to makeup, paint , window ‘glass’ and it’s sandable. Mica is also used for electronics.

Mica’s chemical composition has many different related minerals to it. It’s chemical composition is X2Y46Z802O(OHF)4. The X stands for sodium, potassium, calcium or barium. The Y stands for aluminum, magnesium or iron. The Z especially stands for silicon, iron or aluminum .

Mica’s crystalline structure is a monoclinic. Mica’s mineral has metamorphosed into mica’s mineral, aligned due to the pressure. This mineral is also a shiny surfaced produced by the alignment of the mica’s minerals.

True Fun Facts About Mica “The mica classification of rock includes silicates that contain aluminum and peel off in thin, flexible sheets. There are a number of types of mica,but muscovite and biotite are the most common and easily recognized. Muscovite mica can appear to have various shades of color, and biotite is dark brown, gray or black.”

For more information about mica watch this video at.
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