God of War

Ares, The God of War
Description: Ares, The God of War
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Ares is the God of War, born to soon Zeus and Hera. Despite his true love for war he does appear to be the ladies man as his children,Diomedes, Cycnus,Oenomaus, all have different mothers. He also slept with the wife of Hephaestus,Aphrodite, multiple times until he was caught by the sun god, Helios.

The vulture and spear are the common symbols of Ares. Makes sense because a spear is used for war and a vulture cleans the meat off of his enemies bones.

Ares is still relevant in the modern world. He makes appearances defeating his title in the popular video game series God of War. He also made an appearance in Clash of the Titans and its squeal Wrath of the Titans.

Ares is credited with the murder of Adonis. The legend tells that Adonis was also having an affair with Aphrodite. In anger he sends a boar to kill Adonis. However, in another variation of the story. Adonis is killed by Artemis, when he hunted in her sacred forest.
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