Goddess of Love and Beauty

Description: Aphrodite
Image copyright: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130907173632/olympians/images/5/52/Aphrodite_010_by_askar.jpg

Aphrodite is a Greek goddess. Mirrors and swans are two symbols that are used to represent her. She is the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Her siblings are Apollo, Ares, Hermes, Dionysus, Athena, and Hephaestus. Aphrodite married Hephaestus. but had no children wit him. She had one child with Hermes. She had seven children with Ares. She had one child with Adonis. She had one child with Dionysus. She had two children with Poseidon. She had two children with Ankhises. She had one child with Phaethon. She had one child with Boutes. In one of the myths about Aphrodite, she gets caught in an invisible net by her Hephaestus while engaging in an affair with Ares. She fell in love with Prince Adonis while in rivalry with Persephone. Zeus made her fall in love with a mortal man names Ankhises as a punishment for mating gods with mortals. Hermes was rewarded with sexual favors from Aphrodite for finding her stolen sandal. In pop culture, Aphrodite was made into a Barbie doll. She is also presented as a deity of petty desires.
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