Hera the Greek Goddess
By: Skylar Arredondo

Description: Hera
Image copyright: http://vic.d1m.be/herasite.html

Hera has three symbols that represent her:
-The Cuckoo bird which relates to Zeus turning into a Cuckoo bird to tempt Hera into making it her pet, and then to seduce her.
-The Peacock which represents beauty and royalty which is in Hera, it also relates to the summer which symbolizes the later part of Hera\'s life as a mother.
-The Pomegranate which represents that only Hera is mother goddess.

-Juno the movie is a modern day reference, since Hera\'s Roman name was Juno. She was the goddess of childbirth and marriage, in the movie Juno the teen girl becomes pregnant.
-Another modern day reference is the HERA foundation, this foundation helps ovarian cancer. And since Hera was the goddess of childbirth and the protector of women, they used her name for the foundation.

Hera is the sister and the wife of Zeus, Hera is also the daughter of Earth (Rhea) and Time (Chronos). Hera is usually responsible for marriage and the family. Greek men think of her as being selfish and mean, due to the fact that she was always getting mad at Zeus. But still sacrifices were made to her at around the time of weddings. Hera is also the mother to Ares ( the god of war), Hebe (the goddess of youth), Eris (the goddess of discord), and Eileithyia (goddess of childbirth).

Zeus initially wanted to court Hera but after many failed attempts, he took the form of a Cuckoo bird. Hera felt sorry for the bird and took the bird under her care; Zeus took his normal form and raped her. To cover up the shame that had happened Hera and Zeus married. Zeus treated other gods harsh, and Hera thought that it would be a good idea to ask them to join her in a revolt. So one night Hera drugged Zeus. The other gods helped Hera tie Zeus to a couch. Which they then started to argue what they were going to do next. While they were arguing Briareus heard the yelling and quickly untied the knots without being seen. Zeus got up from the couch grabbed his thunderbolt, once this had happened all the gods got to their knees saying how sorry they were. He hung Hera from the Sky with gold chains, all night Hera cried in pain. The next morning Zeus felt tired because the lack of sleep he got during the night. And agreed to let Hera go is she were to never revolt again.
This page was edited by Skylar Arredondo (Teacher: Carol Zortman) using Web Poster Wizard.