Brandon castro
Santa Fe expedition

Santa Fe trails
Description: Santa Fe trails
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The commander was Gen. Hugh McLeod, and the number of soldiers was 270, not counting merchants, commissioners, pleasure seekers, etc. The captains were Matthew Caldwell, Houghton and William P. Lewi.The intention was to employ Lipan Indians as guides, but failed to get them. For a long distance, however, everything was lovely, water, grass, and game were in abundance, and they continually feasted on the juicy steaks of buffalo, deer and antelope. All this changed when the heads of the Texas rivers were reached at the foot of the great plains. Without guides to lead a direct course and find the water holes they soon became lost in the great track-less,, grass-covered waste, almost waterless, and destitute of anything to east except highland terrapins, snakes, lizards and other villainous looking things, all of which, however, were greedily devoured when found by the perishing men.
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